Sunday, June 24, 2012

Farm Chick

June Lettuce

 I attended the "Farm Chick" show in Spokane earlier this month.  It is such an event that stirs me to be creative and embrace the urban farm chick that I am.  Being outside, and wrapping up school has not allowed me to sit and write or take many pictures of what I've been cooking.  I do know that my heart is full with thoughts of happiness;
 1) spending time with my family 2) watching my lettuce plants grow. 

I was so happy to share the farm chick show with my sister and her mother in law.  Vintage, creative, goodies as far as the eye could see!

 Last night, I ate the first of my lettuce crop that I started two months ago.  Planting and eating what you grow is such a simple joy.  I find it rewarding each year.  The lettuce is great the spinach, not so much.  It keeps bolting before I go to pick the spinach leaves.  Gardening is such trial and error, like so many things in life.  Today, I say, Hooray for lettuce! 

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