Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kale Pizza

Kale is a strange looking vegetable.  I feel like it should be growing in the jungle somewhere, and not on my dinner plate.   Kale for me is a surprise vegetable.  I am continually surprised that I  like it.

Kale is full of nutrition that is powerful, and has impact for my health.  I keep trying to figure out ways to include it into my daily eating.  It takes thought.  I recently decided to try it our our pizza.  The results were really good.  It took on the taste of the red sauce and oregano.

 Taking the tough rib of the kale out, and chopping up the leaves was effective for sprinkling it on the pizza.  We eat pizza at our house about once a week.   I have tried several pizza crust types from several different sources; store bought, no rise, biscuit, english muffins, all white or all wheat.  My current favorite pizza dough is homemade half white/half wheat.
It is easy, fast, and the results are hard to mess up.
Pizza Dough
1 1/4 c. hot water
3 tsp. yeast
2 T sugar
2 tsp. salt
1/4 c.   oil (olive oil, canola oil or your choice)
4 c. flour ( I use half white half wheat)
I let the yeast sit in the bowl with the water and sugar for a few min.  Then I add the rest of the ingredients.  Use a mixer or Kitchen Aid until starts to form as a dough.   I then put the dough on the counter and knead it a few times and put into an oiled bowl covered with a kitchen towel to rise for 50 min to 1 hour.
  When the time is up, I put it on the counter and split the dough into two pieces.  I then roll out into a rustic looking oval or circle.  The fun part of this dough it will take a different shape each time you make it.
The above recipe makes two medium size pizzas.  I have saved the second dough ball in the fridge and that seems to keep for about a day.
I cook my pizza on a high heat of 425 degrees for about 12-15 min. 

Picking foods that are high in nutrition help me fill full longer, satisfied, and put a smile on my face.  Having enough energy and stamina to be a mom are high on  my list of why I try to eat healthy.  This morning huge snowflakes came out of the sky.  My girls and I smiled and giggled as we tried to catch them on our tongues.

I hope that you keep growing and learning about new foods.  For me Kale is my surprise smile vegetable for this week.  If this post put a smile on your face, go to the top of this and click  "join this site."  It is free. 
Eat well, live well!


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